Know your temptations and avoid it

Put temptation behind you

Temptation lies in every single corner of life. But how can we get rid of it? Firstly learn what your urges are and how you can make sure to not get into contact with them.

Let’s take an example to prove the point. Do you tend to drink multiple beers a night in the weekend? How do you feel on the day after? Sluggish, sleepy, non-productive? Starting to get rid of these unpleasant feelings is not so dificcult, you just have to know how to do it. Going out with the same friends, on the same day, same hour, same location is a sure way to remain in your weekly routine of drinking a bunch. If however you take your friends to go eat something, go for a walk, visit friends you haven’t met for a while, going out on a week day. All these methods will help you step out  of your habits. –

We gain the strength of the temptation we resist. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Make sure to step outside of your comfort zone, get rid of all the standard activites you used to do. Try to go for a walk instead of playing on your phone all the time. It will feel strange at first, but it help you in the long run. Who wouldn’t want to get stress relieve and getting healthier by just going for a 15 min walk every day.

The more often you can refuse your temptation the better you will feel and the easier it will become the next time. Can you imagine saying no to a drink at a bar? Well I sure couldn’t in my younger years. Now all my friends are used to the fact that I don’t drink anymore, and most of them even adjusted their choices to match mine. They still drink, but a lot less frequent and if any at all a lot less on one evening.

Making a difficult decision and maintaining it through the months and years may not feel rewarding at first. But when in the coming years you notice people adjust to your new you, everything will feel better and you will reap the benefits from it constantly.