Small steps become a big milestone

Succes milestones
Your steps towards succes!


We all have big goals in life. Some of us want to be able to run a marathon others want to become the next president.

None of these milestones are achievable by doing just one thing. Every little thing contributes to the bigger picture. This article will, unfortunately, not lead to you becoming the next president. Although it is not a secret that any step you take to reach certain goals also apply to even much bigger goals, like becoming president.

 Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.  – Vincent Van Gogh

The real reason for this article is to give some advise on how to become healthier. You don’t need to do everything perfect for a healthier lifestyle. Taking simple small steps like choosing not to drink that last beer, to leave the last slice of pizza to someone who wants it even more than you do. This last one will not only improve your body, but your buddy will thank you for it!

There are plenty small steps you can take towards a healthier life, here are a few:

  • Drink an extra glass of water every day
  • When eating out, choose for a salad once in a while
  • Eat some fresh vegetables or nuts as a snack
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Park a bit further, makes you walk a bit extra

What do you think is a great change that anyone can make?

If you want to know what else you require to change your life completely take a look at tomorrow’s article.