About myself

To be able to talk about health I will guide you through my own life. This will already shed some light on the mental health aspect of my blogs.

First off let us look into the reasons why I wanted to start my own website to write about things like the healthy lifestyle and fitness.

I wanted to start some way of expressing myself for a while now. The best way to start doing this is by actually starting up somewhere. So my first introduction in expressing myself was through music. I have never had any extensive music knowledge. However some of my family members had a musical background.

The touch with the music was not so openly present in my younger years. When I finished my studies at university , I decided to spend some time practicising with a guitar. At first it felt really awkward, but as time passed and so did my practice time, it felt like I learned something.

As mentioned above I would be talking over myself at first and together with this would be the introduction to the mental health aspect. Getting active playing music would soon make me realise how a hobby can not only be fun. But it can also help with mental health.

This was my first (mini-)blog. Many more, and better, blogs will follow.


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