Accept how the weather looks

Would you step out?

When you go out for a walk how does the weather look? Sunny and dry or dark and rainy? When it’s sunny and there is no rain there are plenty of people willing to go for a walk. However when it starts to rain you barely see anyone willing to go out. It’s true that going for a walk on a sunny day is more pleasant. But if you dress to walk through the rain there is also plenty of benefits to obtain. Walking when the weather is not as nice as you would like will allow you to be one of the only persons willing to go for a hike at that time. Instead of having long waiting lines and not seeing many of the environment due to a lack of space.

Our body is not made to only go outside when the weather is perfect. Our body can handle, if we protect it, some less then ideal situations. Our body is so smart that it adjusts to the situations it’s put in. If you stop going outside except for when it’s sunny you will adjust to this. It will seem like it’s unnatural to go when it rains. To find the pleasure and to remain healthy throughout rainy days you need some time to adjust. if you avoid becoming soaking wet you will slowly be adjusting to walking in the rain now and then. Continue going without going sick and you can start enjoying it.

Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life. – John Updike

Barely anything grows without rain, so rain is the necessary evil for the health of nature. Our natural water sources are being depleted more and more, the rainy days refill the much needed water. The fauna and flora needs plenty of water to survive and to continue growing. Without the rain there wouldn’t be any water left on earth considering how much of it is being used. So we better get used to living with it instead of living against it. The more you are getting used to it the more relaxing it will become hearing the rain drops falling. If you look through the negative you’ll see the beauty of it.

All types of weather have their proponents and opponents. Some love the cold, others hate it, some prefer the sun and others like the snow. While you don’t need to love the rain everyone has to accept it and know how to live with it. One of the things we have to focus on is to leave place where the rain can seep into the ground. Without room for this the rain will hinder us instead of helping us. This is how whole cities get flooded a lot of material damage is caused and human disasters happen. We don’t have to prefer the rain, but learn to live with it’s benefits and disadvantages.