Accomplish your dream, your passion

Set your dream and achieve it

What is your wildest dream? Think about what you want, the most difficult time consuming goal to obtain that would make you intensely happy.

Everyone has dreams and they are very different for everyone. It can go from buying your own house, but your dream car, be financially free, travel or move abroad and so much more. The first step to take it to see if you want to make it a dream or a goal. A dream is a difficult goal. Which you should be able to accomplish in less then a year, except for unreasonably special circumstances. For example if you happen to win an enormous amount of money you would easily accomplish a lot of monetary goals. Your dreams should be something difficult to attain, because you will be able to ‘dream’ about it untill it becomes your reality. It requires hard work and time to accomplish it, so you will be really happy when it finally arrives.

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. – Walt Disney

Once you have decided on what you can dream about you can continue with your life. However if you actually want to accomplish them you should start getting to work towards them, it doesn’t matter how small you start. For example if you want to beome finacially free start with researching how you can do this and set a small saving goal for yourself. It can be as small as saving an extra 1% of your income. It may not look as much, but every step in the right direction brings you one step closer to achieving your dream.

When you have your dream you need to find the steps to take. Do this by breaking it up in smaller goals, if these are unclear find someone who has worked towards the same dream before you. In this pursuit you should acknowledge that not every route towards the same dream would be the correct path to take. Don’t go for your dream at all cost. Buying your dream car should happen at 26 if you haven’t first settled yourself a home. Buying yourself a home shouldn’t be your only focus if that would let you buy an extremely cheap home that you pay too much for and no one would ever take it off your hands.

Going after your dreams is admirable, but it shouldn’t come at such an high cost that the rest of your life, of the life of the people around you would suffer a big damage.