Achievements when the situation doesn’t allow it

Does this look like a situation that promotes success? 

The picture above can have a different meaning for everyone. Some will prefer it to work hard on their achievements, others will see it as a hindrance to achieve their goals.

Everyone has their set of goals, some of which seem completely impossible to obtain due to the circumstances that you live in. For example going to the university doesn’t seem to be possible for everyone. When their family have never tried going university and they promote heading straight out to the workfield it may be implementing an extra layer of difficulties. However the people that have to fight harder for the same achievement are the ones who obtain the most out of it. They haven’t just reached their goal, at the same time they overcame the troubles of life and became stronger because of it. Imagine wanting to create your own business when all you have witnessed in life is poverty and or people that work for others. Instead of only having the normal issues of creating a business you will also encounter disbelieve and receive less support.

In time of difficulties, we must not lose sight of our achievements. – Mao Zedong

When your environment doesn’t support you on your adventure you have an added obstacle. It’s only in difficult times that you can shine in the dark. When things are difficult it’s easy to give up, rather take a break refresh yourself and push past the point of no return. The more frequent you surpass the difficulties in life the easier it will become. You can start looking at the achievements you have obtained and why you are continueing on your current path.

Let’s talk about an example of a goal which seems impossible depending on your situation. Growing up in poverty, while having a roof above your head and having food to survive is difficult. Yet, it is possible to get out of it with the right mindset. If you think you are set for a life of poverty and don’t attempt to get out of it you wont. However if you work hard, don’t spend money on unnecessary purchases, have a positive mindset and spend your money on savings and investments you can turn your life around. As with any difficult situation it will not be easy, yet it is possible and it motivates you to never return to your old life.