Active recovery

active recovery
Find your way to recover

Working out provides us with the great feelings . It provides us with an amazing boost in confidence, increased strength and in general an improvement in our life quality. To prevent these benefits to perish think about how your body can recover from your workouts.

The simplest recovery method is allowing yourself a day to skip a workout. Allthough sometimes we would prefer not to take rest days. For the sake of our body and our overall health it’s not advisable to keep going. Our body needs time to recuperate from the damage that has been done. It is in this down time that our body gets stronger. Taking rest days make sure that our body can recover from heavy workouts.


A lot of people underestimate rest, especially sleeping and recovery time. – Jason Day

The second method for recovery are active recovery days. Active recovery can be used to get the blood flowing through your body for an extra boost in recovery. This is extra helpfull when you feel like a part of your body can’t handle the stress of working out anymore. Instead of taking continious rest days you can add in some active recovery days. Get your body moving to remind your mind and body that it is essential for your health to keep moving.

Sleeping and general recovery are key to a healthy lifestyle. Your body will thank you for taking your time to recuperate from your hard work. Dedicated periods of time for full recovery, for example a deload week should be added in every healthy workout scheme. Take a week for your body to fully recover from all the stress that you throw at it. You  can choose how you want to perform it. A full rest week or a week where you remain active, with less intense workouts.