Age is just a number, you determine how you feel about it

Certain age always has it’s advantages

People often feel a certain way about either being still young or of having had more birthdays. Both sides have their advantages.

As young people try to become older they don’t realise what the advantages are that they have. They have the power of youth, anything they set their mind to is obtainable rather easy. Because at a young age you have energy for days, regardless of all the things you need or want to do. As youngsters we don’t know yet what the power of compounding means and how powerfull it is. If you are for example looking to earn some extra money you could learn how to invest your money into yourself or into investments. While you may look at the older generation as being blessed with the riches they have you have the opportunity to build more in due time.

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. – Mark Twain

People who turn 30, 40, 50, 60 and so on have the believe that certain goals can no longer be achieved. For example the 40-year old who gives up on becoming healthier or remaining healthy. Granted you may not want to avoid movement your entire life, gain weight, reduce weight and become a pro-athlete at 40 years old. There’ are some limits to our body, the least we should do is listen to our body what it can and can’t do. Unfortunately too many people believe everything that has been said out there and they believe for example that becoming healthy when you have reached a certain age is impossible. If you believe that to be true it will be.

Our body has certain limits, but don’t add extra limits to it to limit yourself. There are enough limits out there, there is no need to make it even harder on yourself. Anything you want to achieve is technically possible. Even the example above of losing a lot of weight and becoming a pro-athlete could even happen at 40, 50 or 60 years old. If you believe you can and you work very hard you will succeed. The chance to achieve it will be lower, but not impossible. Nothing is impossible if you believe it and put in the effort.