Allow yourself a break

Pause Or Break Time Hand Gesture, On White Background
A break can be very refreshing

When we are on our road to healthier life we want to reach our goals as fast as possible. If that means not enjoying a good meal anymore, never take an evening to relax anymore, then we are doing something wrong. Being really determined to reach your goals is a good thing, but your goals should not eat you up.

Being driven and passionate about improving your life is great. Remaining passionate while taking breaks makes your journey so much more enjoyable and doable in the long run. Taking breaks are helpfull in all aspects of our lifes. From taking a short 5 min break during studying, getting up to get a drink at work to having a week of reduced focus on our food intake. A pause will give you time to get your mind cleared and gives you new energy, physically and mentally, to continue your journey.

It’s very refreshing to go away and take a break, to clear your head, and just get into something else. – Francois Nars

There is no set and stone example of how to implement breaks into your life. Universally can be said to give yourself some time to reenergize yourself as much as you need to get back into it. Putting something on hold, even if it seems contraproductive, can help you get more progress in the long run. Our body gets used to daily incentives, removing them for a while will have your body guessing for the next time you implement it. Yesterday’s article was about drinking lemon juice for a better health. this is the perfect example, you don’t need to drink it during summer. Let your body resensitize to the benefits when they are needed, before the winter starts.

Use breaks wisely to turn your short term motivation into a lifelong journey of improvement. Tomorrow’s article will go about how you can use breaks in your fitness planning. Be sure to come back tomorrow on tips how to organise your fitness breaks.