Ambition will only start your journey, apply the following to complete it

Take the necessary steps towards success

To work towards an amazing goal we first need to have the ambition to work towards something and the courage to set it as a goal for ourselves. Without the ambition to work towards it you will not be taking the first step, even if you take the first step without the ambition you will luckily tumble of at the 3rd step.

The first step is often the most difficult one to take. Especially when you consider that everyone around you may find out about the first step you took. For example if you have the ambition to create a well working business you first have to find an idea and perform on it. This may first be checking things out and afterwards it’s actually starting up the company. From this point onwards it’s official and it’s more difficult to give up. Because this time you will not only dissapoint yourself but also others and it may cost a bit more to abandon your company. After setting your goal it’s important to decide what steps you have to take to get their. Only when you are setting your consequent steps you can take them one after the other.

Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. – Bill Bradley

As you have started with ambition and decided on the steps to take you have to be able to follow through on the plan. This is where many plans fail. It’s great to have ambition and to figure out what steps you have to take, but you are nothing with those if you are giving up after taking a few steps. A house isn’t built in one day, neither will you obtain your goal in a single day. If it would happen in one day it wouldn’t be a goal but rather a step towards something else. Since you have set up a strategy to follow you solely need to follow the plan and you’ll do it. Having a certain ambition and setting the plan is easy, it’s sticking to the plan that may be more difficult. Everyone knows how to become healthy but it’s taking all the necessary steps and to continue on the path that is more challenging.

On the route to become healthy we know it’s important to do a type of movement and to eat healthy. But instead of just knowing it you also have to perform on it. Sometimes we focus on some of the best movements for example some intense sprinting for the most calorie burning. However if you are so tired afterwards that you are inclined to skip the following 3 workouts you will never achieve your goal. If instead you go for a walk with your friends every weekend and go for a jog 2 or 3 times a week while enjoying listening to a great podcast you are more inclined to continue with it. It’s better to do something small often instead of pushing really hard just once a month. The more frequent you are doing something the easier it will become and the quicker you can scale things up without burning yourself out.