An injury can be beneficial

How hard is your workout?

Our body is smarter than ourselves. When our body starts to ache it wants to show us that we can’t continue what we are doing at the time. Starting to workout means that our body has never had to overcome challenging workouts day after day. So at first our body will have issues adjusting. The longer you continue working out the better your body will adapt.

Without any injuries either you are superman or you never attempted to push your body past a breaking point. It is possible to keep improving without too many injuries. But having no injuries at all working out for years is sketchy. Your body adjusted to your type of workouts and you are never challenging it in any way. An injury shows you how far you shouldn’t have gone. At the same time you see what challenges your body and on what you should continue to work. For example wrist strength and flexibility is a lacking part of many beginning sporters. It is caused by bad posture on exercises, too much working out and also because of wrist weakness. Avoiding the exercises that cause the pain is a short time solution to recover from it. Avoiding it forever is not a solution but a cause for an even bigger problem.

Any time you have significant injury, it is about the perspective, how you attack it. – Seth Rollins

Recovering from an injury and further improvement in that area is difficult. Yet the fact that you managed to push through and continue to improve shows how strong you are and it will only benefit you in the future. It may even provide you with a certain routine that helps you preventing injuries. For example warming up and cooling down.If you have elbow pain from bicep exercises warming up your elbows is the way to avoid further injuries. Just a simple 30 second warp-up can easily avoid any debilitating injuries in the future.

At a young age our body can handle so much more than at a later age. Start working out early and you will be able to find what your body can handle and what it can’t do yet. Having an injury will teach you what to avoid later on in life. You will be able to continue working out deciding what is too much and what your body can endure. An injury will teach you the most you ever can about your body. It shows you what parts of your body has some weakness, enduring an injury also allows you to focus on alternative training methods and on other body parts to work on.