Anticipate for any potential problems

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Prepare yourself for problems ahead

If we have learned something from last year is that we always have to anticipate troubles coming up. Don’t be satisfied with your current life ignoring possibilities coming your way. An example is to check how safe your income is. Either stay in touch with the job market and what jobs are up for grabs. Alternatively you can focus on building a side hustle or heavingly invest in increasing the skills you can use on the workfield. This could be public speaking, meeting with clients, noticing potential issues in the production process, understanding difficult parts of your job, and so on.

If you are renting a place or living with your parents always be ready to move out in a short time span. This can mean to keep everything tidy so you know where everything is placed, to keep some money on the side, to have a car or have a family member or friend to help out. While you are feeling perfectly at home you never know when the situation changes for you, and/or for the person you are renting the place from. It saves you a lot of issues being ready wheneveer something may come up. Think about your position and use this weekend to prepare. You don’t have to move everything, but preparation gets you 50% there.

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.  – Bobby Unser

Preparation helps to avoid problems but it also creates room to accept new opportunities. One of these preparations is to have money saved up. It benefits you in nearly any situaton. Examples of opportunities that can be taken if you have saved up are: switching jobs, starting a new business, buying an investment, moving to a different area,… Other preparations for opportunities are: learning new skills, building a social network and helping your friends and family. These will alow you to start new experiences and have the people you know help you in time of need.

We often have a specific way of acting and certain ideas in our mind. If we only stick with the things we know we never move forward. One of those is education. Everyone has it’s own expertise in certain subjects and attempt to spread our knowledge by learning new things. People are either keen to learn languages or to be doing math. It is rather rare for someone to enjoy doing both. I’m mainly into languages. When you realise which of the two you are the best in you better anticipate for later on by learning the other.