Appreciate your life before you lose your footing

Accept your current state and what you have

There are many things that we can be jealous about, yet there are also so many things in your life that you should appreciate. If we start to learn to be happy with ourselves and our lifes we will continue to do so as we improve. If you however fail to appreciate the small achievements we may not be thankfull for the bigger achievements either.

Life is not always greener on the other side. While we may think that others are performing better you never know how well they are really doing. Is their health actually great or does it just look like that? In our society it’s extremely easy to let others believe that everything is going well, while in all honesty things may not be so great. Nobody is going to post about the negative things in their life. Instead of focussing so much on scrolling through social media and watching how great the life of others are appreciate your achievements and the people you surround with yourself. If you live in the current moment you start to appreciate the small things and you can continue to work on the things that are important for you.

Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted. – Denis Waitley

If we are constantly comparing to what others have we start to diminish the feelings of what we have ourselves. From this moment onwards we are dreaming of the life we don’t have and if we solely are dreaming we will never achieve greatness. For example you might not have the most high paying job and you look at people who are getting paid more. It’s true that they earn more, yet they are probably also spending more hours at work and potentially have more stress at work. Instead of looking so much at them be happy with your situation and look at the family and friends that care about you. They are the reason you are doing it even with a lower wage than you would like. If you look at your strengths you can work on learning new skills to carve your own path towards a higher paying job. But this only applies if you want to go that route. Because don’t get it wrong there are some people that earn more in the same job, but often times more things and skills are required from the people that earn more.

Life is to precious to only look to other and what they have. Find what drives you and receive focus on it. Is this seeing your family happy, starting your own business to be self-employed or do you want to improve the world during your work? Whatever fits your desires in life will bring you the most amount of hapiness. Everyone has something in their life to be happy about. If your life currently isn’t what you would want and maybe you don’t have anything to be happy about it’s the moment to strive for what you dream. If things are going bad the only way to move is going up. For example if you lost your job last year because of an ilness that you are still recovering from slowly. This may seem like a situation you can’t escape from. However there is always an opportunity to improve step by step. You might have had a job that is hard on the body, but this time you can go for a job in contact with clients or even start a company of your own preferably without the need of much starting capital. Examples of this are: a blog, a youtube channel, freelancer, video editor, website builder and so on. There is always a solution if you are willing to look for something different.

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