Appreciating someone to take the lead

Appreciate the one taking the lead

In every situation out there some people follow and others lead the pack. If no one would be showing the way we would all be unguided and going all directions without a clear vision in front of you.

Within a large group of people there is always one person or a small group that take action and show the way to go. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the older, more experienced person. Anyone with enough confidence, capacities and willingness to take a beat can step up. You may be leading the people the wrong direction, but if no one does it there is no way to arrive at the destination anway. Taking action helps you hone you leadership skills and improve your future chances.

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of a army of sheep led by a lion. – Alexander the Great

When you see someone leading it is not necessarily what he says, but the way he says it, his presence, and his influence on people around him. A great leader does better in bad times then a bad leader can in good times. Anyone can lead a business or a group during good times, rarely anyone can get them through a difficult time. As shown in the citation above it is not who you lead but who is leading that will bring the best out of everyone. In the end the people will be inspired by the person standing in front of them, paving the way.

Leadership comes around in many different situations. It can go from choosing what you are going to do today, leading a group of peers at school to showing your colleagues what to do to finish the task at hand. Telling people what to do isn’t hard, it is telling them the right thing to do, espcially in the adverse of negativity that is hard. Another way of showing great leadership is by leading in following. When someone stands up you can support them by being the first to follow. You approve the confidence that the other has and you stick your neck out by supporting action in difficult time.