Aspire towards your dreams today by working on them

Work on your dreams

As we think about something we would love to achieve we set it as a dream. It would be perfect to complete the dream in 5 years, but if we don’t take any steps towards it this remains impossible.

When you desire to achieve something it’s important to start taking action to reach for it. For example if you want to be able to run a marathon you will have to practice it and eat healthy so your body is unlocking the possibility to become strong enough to run your first marathon. Sometimes we think that a dream is solely what is in the name something to “dream” about, however if so then only spend your time on it at night. A dream is meant to have something to strive for and actually accomplish, may it be in a couple of years. Some people have a dream they will never achieve and they wonder why that is. To get somewhere you are required to set a plan for yourself and focus on it.

A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement. – Bo Bennett

Turn your dream into a goal and you have taken the first step. Sometimes this requires you to split up your dream in several stages to make it workable. This is mainly when there is a distance between your current situation and how you expect yourself to be when you can work on your dream. For example if you are struggling with some extra weight you could work on your health before aiming for the marathon. Any first steps you are taking are very difficult, but are crucial to end up at your dream. Rome wasn’t built in a day, just as our health isn’t going to be shooting to the moon when we are spending time on it for one month. However the sooner we start implementing the necessary steps for improvements you will see the changes.

After you started working towards your dream you are moving slowly but surely. If the dream has turned into a goal you will become more likely to reach it. Instead of limiting yourself by being afraid not to reach it start your journey and achieve what you desire. Some would argue that dreams exist to keep dreaming about them instead of obtaining it as a goal. The problem with this is that you believe that dreams shouldn’t be worked on and should be left alone. The opposite of this is that if you are working towards your dream you will have nothing left to shoot for. This can’t be more wrong, when you are currently working on running a marathon in a year you can add in a new dream to run a half-marathon on Mount Everest.
