Avoid bad friends

How are your friends?

Who are you closest friends that you spend the most time with? They can be your schoolmates, neighborhood friends or people that you enjoy a hobby with.

In these strange days one of the only things we can do is meet up with our friends for a walk or with even more restrictions talk to them on the phone. This means that despite your earlier relationship with your friends the relationships have changed. You either got to learn more from them or less. Some people text all day or like to give you a phone call, others are totally focussed on the moment itself and prefer to meet up going for a walk or going for a drink.

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. -Walter Winchell

How everyone reacts to the circumstances is different. Some friends you have had the best relationship with possible and it starts to fade away. But no matter how long ago you were in contact them when you reach out to them they will be ready for you. While the people that are close to you might run out on you the one friend will always be free to be contacted. Although there fell a gap of time or space between you as soon as you get back to them everything will instantly feel as comfortable as it was before. People where it becomes awkward soon might be people you will not speak with anymore.

The benefit from friends is that they have similarities to you, but they also are not identical to you. They come from a different family and they have some principles different from you which has it’s advantages. It will teach you how someone who has some of the same principles can yet be different which improves your capacity to allow other thoughts. For example you both could be tolerant to most people, yet there might be people with a different view on the world that you never thought about. Someone with a different religion will have a totally different view. Your friend can support their thought by allowing to be talked about. This will help you open up for these new visions. Friends who don’t dare to challenge your views ever will not help you grow in the long run. This is not the only factor to watch but it’s another to be mindfull of.