Avoid corona cost creep


What do you think about when you look at the picture? Is it your dream, are you saving up for the car or do you already have one?

Corona has had a lot of negative impacts and it had some small surprising benefits. For example if the company you are working for was able to continue working, you might have had the same income. Having the same income in a year of pandemic might have made you think about your costs. A lot of shops, restaurants, and leisure retail closed for a while, so there were less possibilities of using your money. This can have two effects, maybe you saved more or you went looking for other possibilities of spending your money. In both scenarios you should consider what your monthly costs will look like after the world has returned to it’s pre-pandemic situation.

You don’t have to carry a designer bag that costs more than a car to look cool. -Kesha

A lot of us either did financially worse than before and others did slightly better. Everyone should reflect on how they did and what the costs were that they implemented during the pandemic. It can be either a one time purchase of a new phone, or a monthly payment towards a new car. Also don’t forget the surroundings have changed. For example buying an expensive car at the start of 2021 could have looked pleasant. But how about adding on a ton of miles cause there will be lots more of movement post pandemic? You will be rapidly decreasing the value of the car and it can leave you with a permanent finacial headache.

The reason we look at those expensive items is because it looks cool, it seems like it will increase our status. People would look different at us when driving that expensive car. It is true the first 3 times you arrive with it they look differently at you. Not because your status has increased but because the car looks nice. They don’t see those cars that often. When you see an expensive car driving next to you realise that it is not their car, they are borrowing money to be able to drive it. They are jeopardising their financial future for a short period of extra looks.