Avoid looking desperate

How do you look when you are desperate?

If your eyes look so adorable as your puppy or kitten waiting for their food it may increase your chances. Joking aside when you look desperate you chances decrease enormously to obtain your goal.

Imagine walking into a job interview showing how important it’s for you to be accepted for the job. At that point they will consider what the reason is for it and if it’s beneficial for them. When you are not showing any weakness nor desperation you will have the power to bargain and to accept or decline their offer. Desperation forces you to focus on something unimportant. You will be fearing the loss of a chance and think too much and too long to figure out the “perfect” thing to sing. While most situations don’t require a certain thing to be said but just something in a decent amount of time.

Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything, or creating anything. Period. If you ain’t desperate at some point, you ain’t interesting. – Jim Carrey

Despite the arguments against desperation it also has it’s benefits, aslong as you make sure to not show it (too) much to others. One benefit is that you could find the internal motivation to push towards your goals. Unless you stress yourself too much and it paralyzes you. Being obsessed to obtain your goal enables you to prioritise your goal. You will focus everything to get it, so long as you don’t shortcut your own growth. If for example you happen to have to do everything yourself you start focussing on becoming more efficient with your time.

When something needs to happen and you believe in it there will be nothing that can stops you from it. The more it is neccessary the harder you will push towards it. Desperation can lead to two main results, you will either burn yourself out or you will accomplish your goal. During these times it’s important to figure out why you are doing it and how to best achieve your goal. If it needs to happen immediately it will probably take a bit longer. As long as you are working towards it, the goal will eventually be achieved.




stop being desperate