Avoid pressuring people

don't pressure
Don’t apply pressure to people

Our last article focussed on how we should support people and motivate them to reach towards their goals. There exists a small line between motivating someone and pressuring them. When someone has set a goal for themselves they are able to accept more help to get them towards their goal.

The pressure to reach a certain goal often arrives from people who stand the closest to us. The greatest example is our parents supporting us to achieve a great education. Starting higher education is an important decision in our life. If you decide to start a difficult education on a highly ranked university you put pressure on yourself to reach for the stars.

When people are putting pressure on me I just complete ignore it. – Zayn Malik

When your child or friend pressures themselves it is tempting to continue to guide them to reach their goal no matter what. However it is important to help them understand, from time to time, that you don’t want them to feel your support as an extra pressure from the outside. Tell them you like how they set their goal, but if they would decide to not continue on their route you support them with what they decide to do next.

Everyone reacts different to external pressure. A lot of people will in first instance react positive to support and a little pressure. Unfortunately pressure upon pressure is something that not everyone can handle. Please be aware of any signs that your loved ones can’t handle the pressure anymore. It is important for their well being that you stop any pressure when you notice a sign of withdrawal.

Some signs are:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of motivation
  • Sudden drop in results
  • Avoiding going out
  • Not wanting to participate in activities
  • Frequent ilness
  • Signs of stress

Pay close attention to your friends and family. If any of these signs show up reassure them that everything will be allright and that they can choose to walk on a different path.