Be comfortable being uncomfortable

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.jpg
We should all strive for leaving our comfort zone

When was the last time you left your comfort zone? But when was the last time you choice to get out of it? in life we all want things to come our way easily. The things that come easy will never be as rewarding as the things you struggle for. To achieve great things we need to be able to leave our comfort zone behind us. It is ok to look back and from time to time it is fine to take a step in your comfort zone. But to be able to grow at a faster rate we should all strive for leaving our comfort zone as often as possible. A great example for this is working out. It will be hard at first, but the longer you do it, the easier it will get.

When we compare ourselves with the people around us we only see the goals they have achieved. Sometimes we see the road they took to reach it, but we will never see all of their personal moments of doubt. We will never know all the times they had to leave their comfort zone far away. Think about Mark Zuckerberg. Many people like to be him and the freedom he has created for himself. However to achieve that potential big reward we first have to break free from our chains of the “normal” life. A great example of Zuckerberg leaving his comfort zone is his 2014 interview in Beijing where he spoke Mandarin. He didn’t just learn a new language, he actually spoke it where hundreds of people could see it. Not even counting the millions that can (still) see it online.

Be comfortable being uncomfortable – Unknown

it is an art form in itself to increase your comfort zone bubble. The bigger it gets the more things that people find impossible to do, will get easy for you. For example when at university no one is willing to speak to the group or lead a group, be the one who stands up at the moment. Be the one who volunteers for the position. At first it is difficult, but the more you do it, the easier it gets. Within no time taking the lead will be just as comfortable for you as following directions. It will help you in any situation you meet. Going for a job interview for a very interesting new job? You can leave the leadersrole in the hands of the recruiter, but they will feel the good positive vibes that you can bring to the table.

Next time you find something that is outside your comfortzone, grab the opportunity and take the jump. Your life will get so much more interesting and adventerious. Tomorrow we will give you a habit to start your day with to test your comfort zone.