Be happy with yourself and your life, you determine your hapiness

You decide how happy you are

In life there are many opinions and to determine if we are happy we love to look at the people around us if they are happy. Looking at how happy they are we are sometimes confused and sad that our lifes don’t look similar to theirs. If we could chose we would switch lifes in an instant.

Years ago seeing happy people often showed how they really were besides some small discussion when they were home alone. Now in our current society we are being pressured seeing all the happy people on social media. This causes us to join the social media and talk about similar completely happy lifes while in all honesty it’s only the happy parts that are being shown. The problem compared to before is that they are posting multiple times a day and it may seem that they are posting absolutely everything. Unfortuntaly this may be how it seems but they still only show the positive things that happened. Think about the person who always had such an amazing experiences and all of a sudden you hear that they got divorced. While it may have looked that everything was perfect they weren’t showing everything that was going on.

Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be. – Abraham Lincoln

Don’t expect every part of your life to be perfectly in check every day of your life. Sometimes you may have a lot of fun with your family and/or friends and next month you may be spending some more time on attempting to get a promotion at work. There is no shame in having a bad day at work or having a discussion with your kid, not all the days are the same. However how happy you feel at any given moment is determined by how much you are satisfied by your life. The parts you aren’t satisfied on find a way to work on them to improve even further. For example if you aren’t able to spend enough time with your children consider working less hours at work or spend more time with them when it matters. For example after work coming home you are tired yet it’s the perfect moment to enjoy with your kids, grab this moment with both hands.

If you are not happy with everything in life be sure to set priorities to work on to improve your hapiness. For example you may not be able to finally buy the piano you always wanted because you are struggling to survive. Because you know that the piano will be expensive you can decide on going for something cheaper to get some actions going that makes you happy. While at the same time you continue to spend money on what is important. Once you become happy with yourself a lot of things in life become easier. For example if you are working a job that you don’t see yourself doing for many years you can still be happy having the job. It enables you to survive and to look for an opportunity out. Be happy in your situation and your priorities will find yourself a way out.