Be present in the moment

Look in front of yourself and see the beauty

In our last article we wrote about how our society has changed. We place so much stress on ourself that we forget to focus on our relaxation.

With all the social media we are always available for a conversation but we don’t allow ourself the time to calm down. There are many times we need to focus on study, work and taking care of others. But to keep ourselves sane we also need some down time. We work hard to play hard. The more you can spend time on what you are doing at the moment the more efficient you will be. When you are at work don’t let yourself be distracted with messages or social media. The opposite counts as well. If you are enjoying yourself don’t think about work or pick up your phone for work related topics. The better you can differentiate them from each other the bigger the benefits.

The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness – Abraham Maslow

With all the distractions around us it becomes more difficult than ever to focus. Tend your own needs and live in the moment. Pay attention to everything happening around you, but don’t attend to everything. If you are taking care of everything you will lose yourself. Resolve the issues that come up and help the people around you. Aslong as you don’t have to solve everything on your own.

Being present in the moment means you can enjoy the moment without having to plan everything beforehand. There is no point in constantly stressing over what happened yesterday or what you will be doing tomorrow. A big parts of this is don’t worry about having to go back to work or going to an exam. If you are active enough in your preparation and at the time of need you don’t have to spend your other time worrying. Believe in your strengths and abilities, you will succeed in the end, even if it takes you some extra time.