Be proactive rather than reactive

Are you preparing for what could happen or are you only reacting?

Question: Do you like to be proactive or are you more reactive? The real question is which of the 2 you are performing in your day to day life.

Society has changed a lot. Before everyone was proactive in most parts of their life. Lately people have been focussed so much on reacting. Think about your social media presence where you are looking at everything that has been posted and you scroll through or how you look at your mails and react to the mails you have received rather than thinking about something you need to do and send a mail on your own. Because of the change in society it has become widely accepted to become reactive. However if we look at what will gain you the best results it’s being proactive.

I like to encourage people to realize that any action is a good action if it’s proactive and there is positive intent behind it. – Michael J. Fox

Sometimes we are suprised why someone so much younger as us is able to achieve great goals compared to ourselves. The only thing that is different is that they are willing to take action and persist into their action despite all the odds that might stack up against them. It’s ok to look up to them, however it’s much better to get inspired to start your own journey to greatness. While they may be a top athlete you could become the top of your field as well. This isn’t going to happen overnight, but it doesn’t have to be. As long as you are willing to put in the hard work necessary you will get there.

Being proactive is always preferred, but almost never achieved. This is also the case at your work either if you are working for someone or when you have you own company. When you have your own company to become a big and healthy company you need to be able to sell your products or services. The initial step to go out and sell it is the most challenging but also most rewarding part. Once the company is doing decent numbers per year the proactivity stops. Because it takes hard work to keep going for more growth. It’s not really needed to stay proactive to keep your numbers decent, but it’s needed if you want to increase them more.