Be strong together

Work together

Being a strong confident person that can do anything alone is admirable. However when there is a big challenge ahead it helps to work together with the people around you to surpass the difficulties you are facing. The best example for this is at your work. You can have multiple coworkers trying to achieve the same goal, to make the customers happy and to perform well for the company. Despite that you could do the work alone it can be much more pleasant to do it together and to grow together to new highs. For example if you encounter a document in a different language you can translate the text in a translator and the things that are still unclear can be figured out together.

Another example of where you can work together is at school. You may be studying at university having a challenging subject. Instead of learning on your own you can sit together and attempt to help each other in the areas that the other struggles with. There is always a subject that is easier for you and another one is more difficult. The one you are more interested in will be quicker to understand which increases the spare time you will have. So at that moment you can help others while improving your own knowledge on it as well.

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. – Edward Everett Hale

It can be easy to come together, but to actually help each other and create teamwork might be more difficult. As you attempt to help others they will see what you stand for and they will be ready to help you out when needed. One of those examples is language apps. Where you can chat with others in a language that you already master, while learning from them a different language that is new to you. Despite how difficult it may look you learn something from everyone you meet speaking a different language. Not even just their language but also how they live in a totally different environment from you.

The only way that teamwork becomes mutually beneficial is when every member of the team gains a benefit from it. If only one of the persons is giving all the time the others will reap the benefits and the teamwork will not maintain. An example of this is working out together in the gym. Both of the persons might have a different strength level in certain areas. If you don’t only focus on strengths or the weaknesses of one of the persons you will both benefit from working out together. Find the strength and weakness of the other help them employ their strengths and improve their weaknesses. From the point they know how helpfull you are in the team they will instantly help you do the same.