Become an unique person

How similar are you to the person next to you?

If everyone would look and be the same similar to the image above there would be no difference. In the world there are many people luckily they aren’t all the same. Without the difference between people it would be impossible to have all rolls in life to be fulfilled.

It’s easy to become the same person as the people around you, it’s harder to stay different. Friends and family initially prefer you to conform to the world. Yet if you manage to uphold your own way of doing things they will accept and appreciate who you are. You may encounter some issues at the start, but the longer you pursue your own thoughts the more succesfull you will become. There is no benefit to gain from becoming the person that others want you to be.

Celebrate the idea that you don’t fit in. Find your own fit. Stay unique. – Betsey Johnson

Becoming the person that you desire to be requires you to take some risks and to avoid accepting to follow the norm on every occasion. No one needs a second Elon Musk, for every type of person there is only one of them needed. There is no harm in aspiring to become like someone else, but there is no point in becoming exactly the same as them. There are some components you could attempt to implement in your life, but stay yourself and adjust to what benefits you. Only you will know what fits you the best and how to go for it.

Fitting in your environment is sometimes required as a child. But when you are growing up you start to create your own sense of importance. While some may flourish academically, others while shine creatively and others can perform heavy physical labor. Find your own way to fit into the society, without necessarily changing the person you are and the way you behave. For example your parents may want you to go study and become a doctor, but your skills are more physical then there is no harm in pursueing the thing that you aspire to do.