Become and stay healthy with the perfect mindset

Become health through the correct mindset

In recent years becoming healthy has become something that we all strive for seeing how everyone on social media has achieved it. Even the people that you seen last month who might have looked out of shape all of a sudden seem to have everything in order.

If we focus so much on improving our health that we are moving away from our normal life it’s not sustainable. For example if you love to go eat out with your friends on a friday evening and because you want to become healthier you stop doing this you are making yourself suffer. In this situation you can still become physically healthy, but your mental peace will decrease. In turn this will demotivate you and will cause your health improvements to stop or maybe even be reverted. Building the mindset is just as important if not more important than building the health. Because with a good health you can do all the things you did before, just a bit better. If instead you improve on your mindset you will unlock skills and abilities that you have never had before.

Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people. – Fred Rogers

Another aspect of the perfect mindset is knowing who you are, what you can do and what you are aiming for in life. If you know yourself completely you know what will go easy and what will take more effort for you. For example maybe you love eating but you hate sports, or the other way around. Either way you can focus on the thing that you love that improves your health and your mindset will slowly shift into accepting the other method of improving health. For example if you love working out but prefer to eat fast food instead of healthy foods you will by working out frequently start to consider what you are putting into you body. Slowly you will start to appreciate that the healthy foods can also taste amazing.

The power of a strong mindset can’t be overstated. Becoming healthy may not neccesarily require a strong mindset but staying healthy does. Life has so many challenges that seems to want to force us against being healthy. This means that struggling against these forces for a couple of years to become healthy is possible. However to stay healthy you need to take an additional step. The longer you want to maintain your health the stronger your mindset has to be, not only to stick with your habits but also to refuse counter-offers that would push you in the direction of your old habits. For example if you used to go to a sportsgame every weekend and drank a lot. Maybe you have chosen to do it only once a month. But if you start changing one thing back your healthy lifestyle may come down again. Despite what has just been said even if you reimplement a old habit this doesn’t have to mean the end of your healthy life. You have more tools in your toolkit now to fight off any unwanted results.