Become healthier quick

21 days makes a habit
Change your life in 3 weeks

We all had a time where we wanted to change our way of living. If someone tells us that it takes 21 days to feel better we would all sign for it. What is the last thing you wanted to change about your life? Maybe you wanted to eat healthier, started working out or learning a new language. Did you manage to finish 21 days of maintaining this desire?

Good of you if you were able to maintain it for 21 days. However, did this change your life forever? If you are reading this article it likely didn’t. It would be awesome to promise 21 days of mindlessly doing the same thing, unfortunately it is not that easy. Yes, you can certainly create a habit in 21 day. (or even less!) As long as you don’t count the days untill you can finally stop doing the “new thing” to a better life.

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what you keeps going. – Jim Rohn

If you however decide you wanna change up your life and are determined to finally hold yourself accountable. You will succeed! To make your choice on which habit to create you should consider making a list of all habits people recommend and which ones you would like to apply. First take the list of habits people recommend and if they aren’t on your personal list, throw them away! The best habits are those that you feel are the best, easiest, or most fun to achieve. Once you figured out a way to add all your prefered habits to your daily toolkit, go and reconsider the list that people recommended to you.

Can you set 30 mins a day aside for implementing the habit that you always wanted? Great, take those 30 mins and enjoy your way to a greater fullfilling life. If you don’t, then only take the low amount of time that you can spare and start implementing a smaller habit.