Become healthy with your friends

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Be healthy together

Whether you are determined to remain healthy or become healthy, think about your friends. It is best to tell them, and more importantly, show them how important health is for you. If you continue the healthy path your friends will understand the change in your life. They will start to understand why you have been so happy and energetic.

If you feel like a friend would like to join becoming healthy, talk to them. Keep it a light-hearted talk between friends. Show them your passion and give them some small tips to start changing their life. Start with the benefits you have obtained from working out. Nothing beats a good old workout to switch our lifes around. Gradually let them know some other tips. Like drinking a bit more water or eating some fruit everyday.

Health is the greatest gift contentment the greatest wealth, faitfulness the best relationschip. – Buddha

Friendship is about giving and taking. Just like a healthy lifestyle is giving and taking. You give up some of you habits and create new ones. You give yourself fully in your workouts and you obtain a healthier body. Just like with fitness we can look at our friendships this way.

When you first start changing your life people sometimes act slightly jealous. This shows that they want to change their lifes too. In your friendship you have to take some hard conversations/comments about your life change. If they are real friends you will stick with them and slowly promote health to them. Not by your words, but with your actions. Consider paying your friends back by being open to helping them get healthier.

Your friends don’t need to watch motivational videos to start changing their lifes. They need you to guide them to healthy path. When they see your persistance and constant battle they will be surprised. But seeing the end-result they will be willing to give it a go. Help your friends get better.

Tomorrow’s article is about your close group of friends.