Become stronger by resisting what is difficult for you to resist

Build yourself by resisting the difficult challenges

Anything important in life is difficult to achieve. Everyone has their own challenges, allow yourself to work on them to improve. The more you are able to resist the easier it will become to maintain strong against it.

A simple eample: you might be inclined to look on your phone for 5 mins every hour. The more you do this the more frequent it will become. If instead of this you are resisting against it you empowering yourself not to need it. When you come from watching your phone every hour start only looking at it every couple of hours. If you start to notice that you aren’t getting much value from your phone and life still goes on it will become easier to fight against the urge. If life we look at needs and wants. A need is something that is required for us to live, like housing, food, and so on. A want is something that we can live without and are often considered as luxuries in life. For example something we don’t need is to play games on devices, buying an expensive car or eating snacks.

We gain the strength of the temptation we resist. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

When you are fighting againt the odds of success you are slowly building your willpower. Because you allow yourself to say no to something that is hard to deny you are building experience with saying no and sticking to your decision. An example for this is refusing a second alcoholic drink when you are out with your friends and family. You may want to enjoy one drink but past that point you could want to stay in control of your memory. You don’t want to go all out and lose your memory of the night. It takes courage to refuse one drink, it takes a ton more courage to continue to refuse that extra drink. The more often you do this the easier you will stick to your decision. Doing this more frequent will also make people appreciate your choice more and stop putting you to the test all the time. In turn they will see you as the person who remains strong on it’s choices all the time.

After people see you are sticking to your choices they will see you as a stronger person with a strong personality. The stronger you are perceived the stronger you will feel and the stronger you will become. It’s a positive vicious circle, the chain keeps on expanding you keep on adding positive changes into your life. They keep on putting you to a higher level which in turn will make you feel even better. People who struggle with an addicition right now wont feel it as something they can come back stronger. However ask people who have left the days of addiction in the far past how they have evolved from it. You will see that many of them gain a type of energy from it to recover and to improve their life greatly. They are some of the most motivated persons now to continue to improve their life. Read more about addiction in our next article on Monday.