Being efficient creates freedom

How does freedom look like for you?

Looking through the things you have to do might frighten you. The quickest option is to hide from your to-do-list and do whatever you feel like. However distancing yourself from the list doesn’t get rid of it.

Instead of having to look what to do in the morning decide on what to do tomorrow the evening before. Preparation is the first step towards an efficient day. With a set of activities to do set your mind towards accomplishing everything you planned the day before. It could be done by finishing your last tasks at the last hour of the day, staying up a couple of hours longer or by leaving one more task to do the next day. What if there is a way to get them all done and still have time left to other things? Instead of waking up late and waiting for the afternoon to start before beginning start from the moment you wake up. Add your morning routine as one of the tasks. So when you have done them you have a great start. You can cross something of the list and continue on the grind to finish everything in just a couple of hours.

The men who succeed are the efficient few. They are the few who have the ambition and will power to develop themselves. – Robert Burton

When you start unlocking the ability the become efficient you create freedom for yourself. Instead of having to finish you last free hours of the day to finish off your tasks you will have time to watch a movie to have a talk with friends or to read a book. The easier you complete your tasks the more time you will have free to do whatever you desire. If you notice you work really hard every day and start early on the day but never seem to finish the list you may be putting too much pressure. See if removing one thing of the list will help you accomplish everything planned in a certain time frame.

Becoming efficient is not the end goal but it is the step to take to improve your life. Instead of focussing to perform all your tasks in a certain amount of time you decrease the amount it takes to complete them, without forcing yourself. When you are able to become more efficient you and the people around you will unlock more time. One of the efficient ways is by focussing solely on one thing at a time. If you are working you don’t use social media, your phone or even talk with others. When you have certain tasks to perform you do them, after which you’ll have time to talk. The more people around you see how focussed you are the better they will pay attention to perform nearly an equal amount of hard work.