As a teenagers we spend a lot of time either on our phones or playing games on our computer. Something we don’t like to hear is that doing useless activities greatly don’t make it important. We can enjoy or time relaxing doing any activity we desire. But we should understand that becoming great at them don’t make them important activities. This doesn’t count for activities like playing music. Even though it may not seem to improve you life
A great example of such an activity is being present on social media. In the last years it seems to have been a challenge to be on social media 100% of the time. We just left or home jump on the public transportation and we have to check up on it again. When you are unable to answer on a message 10 minutes after it has been posted the connection you have with the person wont dissapear. It might improve your relationships if you don’t respond immediately. Cause you will teach others that they can reach you but that they have to call you instead if they require your immediate response.
Art is the elimination of the unnecessary. – Pablo Picasso
Everyone has some activities they participate in that don’t bring anything to the table. Sometimes this is what we need, to keep us sane. Call it your relaxation or peace of mind. There are many unnecessary activities out there that you would be better without. But to maintainn some inner calmness it’s advised to keep some of these activities active.
Once you have found out what activity you want to keep decide what other activities are unimportant and that you can do without. Can’t go without your game a couple hours a day? Then remove some of your social media usage. Can’t go without facebook? Grab a book after an hour of scrolling. The better you learn to use your time the more your time will be worth and the better you will feel.
Use your time wisely, and enjoy every minute of it.