Benefit from your addictive personality

positive addiction
Improve your life

Let’s battle your current addiction. Opening this article means you acknowledge to yourself that you possibly have an addiction. That is a first important step to recovery. Quiting with your addiction cold turkey is a potential way of getting rid of your addiction. However this can create more room for bouncing back.

Taking distance from your weakness is often more succesfull if you introduce a new activity in your life. Trying out multiple new things gives you the opportunity to find something that suits you. Great examples of replacements are starting to work out, eating healthier, talking with friends, playing music and trying out new challenging activities.

Once you have found your new activity start to implement them in your life. Focus your time and energy in the new positive vibe and turn it into a new habit. Once you manage to

People who have never had an addiction don’t udnerstand how hard it can be – Payne Stewart

If you would ever have a fallback to old habits don’t beat yourself up for it. It’s part of the recovery. Don’t ever give up and continue to fight your way through the difficult times. When you are trying to take distance from your old habits you always have time that helps you. The more time passes the easier it gets.

A difficult but very helpfull solution is to talk about your problem. Finding small groups of strangers to talk about it creates the possibility the talk openly, while not being obliged to ever meet them again. Once you are a bit further in your recovery you will start to feel more comfortable about your situation. If you want to start talking to friends or family you can reach out to them. You never know how much they might have struggled with similar things. Talking about it also ensures that they wont unconsciously bring you in contact with your cravings.

For example if you have problems with alcohol, talking about it to your friends is very important. They will no longer propose or even pressure you into drinking alcohol. Having your friends and family supporting you is a big help. However if you are not feeling comfortable to talk about, then don’t force yourself. You can still recover under the light of becoming healthier. Drinking less or no alcohol perfectly fits into striving to a healthier life.