Best revenge is not to take revenge

Are you waiting in the shadow to take your revenge?

We could get hurt by anyone that we meet, physically or mentally. We can blame the other person for messing with our life. However it’s your choice how you react to it.

When we got hurt, any way possible, there is often one person that we believe is guilty for the pain. That coworker that caused us to miss our deadline, your boss that didn’t give you enough chances to improve before getting fired, that ex-classmate that picked your dreamjob before you or that kid that bullied you before. While these and the other areas that people can hurt you are painfull you are free to determine the outcome. You can continue to wait for the perfect moment to get your sweet revenge. However when you are doing this you are focussing on the bad things that happened to you. The more you focus on something the more you will get from it. You are attracting more of the same bad thing just because you want to have your revenge.

The best revenge is massive success. – Frank Sinatra

There is no benefit of getting you revenge. That boss that fired you at your first job will look for other victums. While it may sound harsh you are formed by the experiences you have. Instead of sitting in a corner and cry for a year you stood back up after some time and focussed on improving your performance. You are technically taking revenge passively. Instead of them being able to benefit from your growth your new boss has that benefit, or you if you started a business on your own. If you really want revenge just pay attention to your skills, improve on them and achieve massive success. Massive success will show the bully from 10 years ago, your ex-employer, or that ex-colleague that you have more going for you then they may have thought.

The person that hurt you before might have had a bad situation they were in. A different possibility is that they hurt everybody around them. Instead of being shocked by revenge they might crave the attention. So in a lot of situations you are taking bigger revenge by not taking revenge. Don’t contact the bully from your childhood showing how good you do. But continue on with your life how you want and aim for success. In one way or the other at some point they will hear about your success. Knowing that you made it and didn’t even spend time trying to show your results will hurt them even more. They can see how possibly the hard time they gave you was enough to motivate you and to get through any challenges in life. Don’t focus on revenge but focus on improvement.