Enjoy doing nothing

We tend to neglect the small things in life. Why don’t we like to do nothing? A great example is how we react when we are meeting up wirth friends. If we take a drink with friends we like talking with them and enjoying ourselves. What happens when the conversation dies out or or you

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Refocus your life

In current society everything is about sound, and dopamine levels. Who is guilty taking headphones out when riding a bike? How much we like music and the enjoyment it brings, it also causes dangerous situations. To enjoy ourselves there are many activities we can participate in. While trying to go for them we tend to

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Free your mind

Is this the first time you hear about meditation? If so congratsulations on finding your way here and clicking on the article. Are you sceptic towards meditation? Join the club, there is completely nothing wrong with thinking critically about it. The best advise that can be given is to allow yourself to completely emerge yourself

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