Build your mental strength to survive any negative situation

On any day of the year you can be in contact with a range of different problems to battle. When you have gone through many of them you will know that they can show up at any point in your life.

To survive the negative situations when they arise you have to be able to counteract the problems with your capacity to cope with them. An example of such a situation is losing one of your loved ones to a disease or death in general. It’s very difficult to understand why your family member of friends has to go through such a difficult time and potentially not surviving it. Blaming others or self pitying yourself will not get them back and it will even harm yourself in the long run. If you pity yourself you are feeling a deep sense of misfortune. Rather then move along you are dwelling on the negative and will possibily even attract more of it down the line.

There will always be obstacles and challenges that stand in your way. Building mental strength will help you develop resilience to those potential hazards so you can continue on your journey to success. – Amy Morin

Having life happen to you is painfull, but feeling sorry for yourself will not help you move forward. obviously when something extreme happens like someone you know has died or got a serious ilness you are going to be affected by it and it will not go away simply by not thinking about it. While it may be hard to consider at some point you decide how much you much you continue to be affected negatively because of it. For example because of financial problems the company you are working for they decide to fire you. You could worry about it constantly and because of it not looking for a new opportunity. Instead use a couple of days to recover and determine what your next step is. Then move forward and perform on those steps.

Having a strong mental capacity allows you to take on challenges that others aren’t willing to take on. For example people don’t want to talk in front of groups. But if you pay attention to your mental strength you are taking on difficult situations left and right. The more frequent you take on challenges the easier some challenges will feel. The first few times you will be heavily under stress. But as goes with any situation the more frequent you do it the easier it becomes. Try to achieve a level where you are so confident in yourself that you don’t mind taking on the challenge one more time. For example giving presentations after presentation will make you better at it. Your past performances will be a guidance for future performance. If you achieved this level and stop presentations for a while you will be able to pick up where you left of because of the confidence you have in your own performance.