
This is the part of my site that contains everything about the fitness lifestyle.

Enjoying healthy food

Last articles were written about the healthy components of life. The three components are: Sleeping Movement Food What do you think if you look at the image above? Eating healthy doesn’t have to be annoying or boring. There are so many options out there to eat healthy and enjoying it at the same time. You …

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Movement is a great way towards a healthy life. When you think about working out what comes to your mind? For a lot of peoplee exercise is a synonym for going the gym. Lifting weights are mainly being down inside a gym and there is nothing wrong with that. But when you do cardio do …

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How active are you? It takes a bit of practice to turn your life around. The only way to find out how much fun it is, is by trying to push through the hard first weeks. Try to find some movement that you enjoy doing. Don’t just blindly copy what someone else does. What works …

Movement Read More »