Challenge your mind

Our mind is extraordinary

In difficult times we throw everything at defeating the thing that stands in our way. This could be studying the last night before your exam, giving your all to learn how to drive a car, …

If everything is settling down and we have recovered from the difficult time we tend to relax and get back to our usual self. But why do we do this? Agreed, it is a lot easier to settle for mediocrity. Recovering from the hard time is fine, but grab this moment to turn it down one nodge, but to not turn it down completely. Continue to build yourself, continue to challenge your mind. When you keep going at it you will remain with constant high expectations for yourself. This will never become easy, but seeing what you have gone through will motivate yourself, friends and family and maybe most importantly your children. You will be the example for everyone. You will continue to get better and achieve the goals that many have set before, but have failed to accomplish.

There is nothing like a challenge to bring out the best in man. – Sean Connery

The harder you keep pushing yourself the higher your willpower will become. It takes a long for it to seem even slightly easier. Only when you look at all the years of hard work you will see results of all your work. Is there a moment after all those years that you need an extra day off or a week/month? It would feel like you are cutting yourself and your goals short. Everything in you will say to not take the break. Regardless of what you would think from this article conversely that would be perfect. Pushing through every day year after year is great. But your mind also needs a break now and then. Just like with fitness, a deload week can improve your drive and results even further.

The deload will enable you to remain mentally strong and to not exaggerate (too much). Relaxation is an important factor in being able to keep on movig forward as fast as you are. When you feel like you are just slightly less motivated you can get through it. If it feels like you can finish the month pushing through and you will quit afterwards that its the moment to be very carefull. Don’t worry about taking breaks when you feel you really need them.

Never give up on your goals and on the work that it requires. Getting some me-time is necessary to not end up giving up. Next article will explain how you can utilise challenging your mind in your job.