Challenge your mind to keep it healthy

What is the state of your mind? 

Thinking about health we mainly focus on our outside and how our body feels. However to maintain health an important factor is your mental state.

Our mental health is really important and in order to become healthy or mind has to be challenged. Because when our mind is bored we look at what we have and more important what we are lacking. We start to wonder why our life is how it is and what we miss out on. Challenging our mind keeps it busy and improves the strength of our mind and allows us to do more difficult activities. A busy mind is a healthy mind aslong as you aren’t to busy that you are overloading it.

Your body hears everything your mind says. – Naomi Judd

When you notice that your mind can beat any challenge you will feel invulnerable. As you achieve goals and beat  challenges you set yourself up for success. Your body is influenced by what you think. If you doubt you will achieve success you will never get there. Feel like you are unhealthy? You will not change your habits untill you are willing to get rid of your unhealthy habits. Some people tell everyone they want to start changing to improve their life. Yet when they are honest to themselves they aren’t ready for it. What you tell and what you do can be totally different. Only when your mindset changes the rest will follow.

Challenge your mind in different ways. For example take a job that might have a high pay but also includes difficult tasks that others aren’t willing to do. For example having to help people during a difficult time it can be mentally difficult on you. Yet when you are able to help people during this time you will be rewarded the best mentally and financially. Other ways of challenging yourself is by constantly trying to move out of your comfortzone. Learn new things and continue to grow them into a new skillset.

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