Change the activities you do every day.

Find your habits

Everyone has the same 24 hours to spend every day. If you remove 6-8 hours for sleeping and an hour preparing and eating food you have already lost some hours.

We have succesfully survived 2020 and the first month of 2021. It is time to revalue our current habits and see which ones have worked and those that we need to abandon. The first thing to look at are destructive habits that all of us have. It should only be sought to be abandoned if the habit is used so often that it is detrimental to your future. Examples are social media, computer, poor posture, staying up extremely late and so on. Staying up late in the weekend is not so bad, but if you start doing it during week days it starts becoming a problem.

Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken. – Warren Buffett

As Warren Buffett mentions a habit is not something big that can’t be done. It is when the habit becomes a second nature that it becomes so strong that no one can destroy it. The challenge is to find habits that are fit for you. When they are in line with your goals your motivation will be enough to see your habit change into a permanent habit. All these small changes will build up over time and you can see your goals moving closer and closer.

After removing (most) of the bad habits you are left with choosing the positive ones. There are many positive habits to choose from and theey should mainly be choosen by looking at your goals. Most of us have had or are still going through a difficult time. The positive that can come from it is that we can rethink the path that we have taken. We reached a breaking point that we can use as a reset. Use this to build up your habits and improve your future.