Checking up on new year’s resolutions

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Revisite your new year’s resolution

Time for us to check up on the new year’s resolutions. The first month of the new year is over. How did you do reaching towards your goals?

Tips can be given depending on how far you went towards your goal. The first most unfortunate situation is that you gave up before the first week ended. If so I hope you read the article on 4 january and changed your goal in time. Quitting reaching towards your goal in a week means the goal wasn’t set in an obtainable way. If you have stopped midway january, the goal could be obtainable enough. However due circumstances you didn’t maintain on your way towards your goal.

In tragedy, it’s hard to find a good resolution; it’s not black and white: it’s a big fog of gray. – Paul Dano

Not following through on your resolutions isn’t a shame. Creating the right resolution is not as easy as it seems. Find a way to temper your initial goal to something more achievable. Start the second month of the year strong. There is no need to wait for december to start a new resolution. use your old one, change it and continue your year with the current resolution. This way you can take simple small steps towards your goal already achieving it before december 2019. This way your goal has been achieved and you can focus on improving even more in 2020.

If you are still going strong towards your goals, all the power to you. You can achieve any goal you want aslong as you continue on your path and never give up. Look at all the progress you made and take one step at a time towards your big goal. Before you know that amazing goal you set yourself has been achieved.

When you feel like you are moving away from your goal, stand still and rethink your goal. You might have to change your goal to something more achievable. Or you might just need to take smaller steps at a time or find some motivation to continue your way.

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