Checking up on your friends

Sad friend
Talk to your friends

Last article we spoke about how you are doing at this moment. This is very important, but equally important is how the people around you are doing. Be sure to consider how your friends are doing and shoot them a text or give them a call to see how they are really doing.

At different times friends are really important for us, but you can also be extremely important for their health. We all need social interactions to feel great. Take your time to contact them and have it beneficial for both of you. Even a short meetup for an hour, or less if you live close-by, will brighten up your and theirs day. It allows you to take a break from your daily routine and catch up to your friends how they are doing.

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. – Helen Keller

Especially during these difficult moments share some of your time with the people you love. If you are already cramped on time combine multiple activities for the enjoyment and growth for the both of you. Go to a restaurant, depending on the rules in your country and your financial situation you can cook together or cook for each other and enjoy some nice time together. Other options are working out in nature or learning something together.

Friends are important so we shouldn’t take them for granted and look out for them and their well-being. Look for a way to support your friends in time of need. Free up your time to listen to your friend and to be paying attention to the little things. People always say that they ar doing well, this is their standard response to the question. Only when they know you really care they will potentially open up and tell you the truth. Be ready for it when they open up and listen to what they are saying.