Choose your study based on your passion

do what you love
Find something that you love doing

During our adolescence we try to figure out how to spend our time and to plan our future. Choosing our future is difficult. During that time it would be ideal if we find a passion and to earn money doing it.

If you haven’t found your passion yet, finding a decent alternative is the way to go. This can be done in two ways. You can start working on an early age or you can start higher education. This article will talk about choosing you higher education if you decide on going for it. Just spending your time by studying something without a job perspective is a waste of time and should never be done. The job market will sometimes settle for a certain level of education without looking at the specific subject. But choosing your education based on your study gives you the best future. It will help you find a job easier and you will be able to link your studies easily to the job you look for.

If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life – Marc Anthony

There are two things to take into account when you choose a higher education to invest in. It has to be something that you are interested in and the result needs to be a diploma that is desired on the job market. Too often the decision is being made for one of the two reasons, while considering them both is a better option.

Going for a study like archaeology means you got to be aware of a difficult time finding a job. If it is your real passion it might still be worth it. On the other side of the coin there is the “money argument”. Choosing a study solely with a view on the potential possibilities on the job market isn’t the best either.

Last but not least taking the cost of the education into consideration is important to. Where you study and for how long all influences if you could or would want to start the education. Take the mentioned thoughts into consideration and don’t pick to fast, cause the choice will be your first step for the future.