Combine your body and mind


use mind in gym
Use your mind for your workouts

Have you recently had a workout that was less intense, less satisfying after completing it? How did you feel during that day, or during the day prior to it? very likely your mind was occupied with other things while putting your workout routine on automatic pilot. The best workouts and the worst ones are created by how you feel at that moment and how much your mind is into it.

Next time you feel you are going to get a bad workout in, forget it. Don’t think about how bad it could turn out. Think about the great things that can happen. Think about the huge potential that lies ahead of you. Having a busy, stressfull day can either make or break your workouts. They can hold you mind occupied with all the things that aren’t important during your workout sessions. Prepare yourself ahead of time. Take some time to think about how your day went, how you could have done better, but remain possitive. Once that time is over, clear your mind and put your mind into your workout. The workout will clear your mind further and you will have a great workout.

Virtually nothing is impossibe in this world if you put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude. – Lou Holtz

Our body is the strongest tool that we can possess. We all have it, but we use it differently. Someone uses it to build something, others become athletes, others put all their effort in stressing about the little things causing their body to suffer the consequences. What will you use your body for? Do you want to use it to achieve greateness? Then step up to the plate and start utilising it’s full capabilities. Don’t just go through the movements of your daily life.

Use your mind as a tool to enhance the performance of your body. Combining your great mind and your body will improve you immensely. It is not for nothing that fitness coaches use the term: “Mind-muscle connection”. Keep your mind clear of unwanted brain fog during your workout. Focus all your attention on here and now to move your body through your environment. As long as you have your mind and your body working together you can conquer anything that you want. From completing your studies, getting and succeeding at a manager fuction and at the same time being present for your family and friends.