Completion despite hardship

Beat the odds

Life will never run how you want it. Unless you carefully come up with a plan that doesn’t include any shortcuts or the need of extensive help from others.

Never require on others to have to help you to get where you want to be. Make sure to work extremely hard and put everything of yourself into it. When you reach moment of doubts or become desperate it is ok to seek for guidance, as long as you didn’t count on it at the first place. Every plan has it’s moments during which some unexpected situation happens.

I think men, growing up, you have to go through some form of hardship. You’ve got to harden the metal.  – Ice T

Some people think that hardships should be avoided at all cost. However it is attacking them head on at unexpected moments and getting through them that changes you for the better. Everyone goes through different hard moments and they make you adjust your life to get past them.

One of those hardship that can come up is the passing by of a family member during your education. You don’t have to just make sure to pass your exams but also create an opportunity for grieving the one you love. It’s not an easy thing to get over. Read our next article about how to get through this difficult time. Everything is possible if you take enough time for it. See all the odds stacked against you and still surpass anything you set yourself to do.