Confidence to take your own path

Do what makes you happy

Having examples around us of what goals we can achieve is great and it enables us to pick and chose what sticks with us. However if no one around you does the same as you it’s up to you to carve your own path.

Taking a route that no one has done before you is difficult, there are many obstacles and a lot of friends and family who may not agree with it. In the end it’s only you and yourself who has to support you on the journey. Supportive friends and family are a blessing and if you have them be thankfull for the situation you are in. Sometimes other people may do the same as you but aren’t comfortable and confident enough to attempt to go for it. One of the examples is taking the step to move jobs. You currently have a stable income, moving jobs means implementing a new adjustement period and having to prove yourself once again. But if you are unhappy with your current job, or the salary, you could take the leap of faith for improvement.

Confidence is not, ‘They will like me’. Confidence instead is, ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t’. – Christina Grimmie

Someone with confidence is not always liked by everyone, but their strong mindset that doesn’t bother about the rest attracts a lot of attention. While others are worried about what others would think confident people only look to their goals and how to reach them. Leaders are the once with confident and they set steps to follow in their footsteps. You can also be confident without being a leader at every situation. The real confidence lays in people who are able to lead, and in other situations are satisfied with following the more experienced person.

No matter what you do when you do it with confidence nearly everyone will accept it. Aslong as you aren’t being aggressive or doing something illegal you will be fine. If you are doing something new and generally aren’t confident apply methods to become confident at the moment and you will perform better. For example if you start your first job and have to speak to clients face to face there are some methods you can use. Walk slow and with a goal in mind, look them in the eye and listen carefully. If you don’t solely wait for your turn to speak but listen with purpose they will perceive you as more experienced, together with being calm they will accept what you are explaining them.