Continue to strive for progress

Are you ready to continue learning?

When something new things crosses our path that seems interesting it’s not too hard to start studying it. For example when you like to play soccer you will spend countless hours playing it and becoming better. The moment you meet someone you love talking to who speaks a different language you will do your best to understand them and make sure they understand you. Without this you wont be able to communicate.

The best students in class who will refuse to continue learning will lose their top position really quickly. The students who might not get too high grades but who like to continue to study will surpass them really quickly. Someone who learned speaking Spanish a couple years ago and stopped progressing will slowly take steps back in their knowledge of the language. If someone starts much later but manages to continue to progress will be the one whose Spanish will be much better in the long run. It’s not about how much you learned in a certain time span, but rather how long you will maintain and continue to improve your knowledge.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. – Henry Ford

Have you recently met up with your old school mates? Determine how they are doing now and question them about some daily habits that they uphold. The ones who strive for improvement every day are the ones who either have achieved great success or are the ones you will have to check up on in a couple of years. The ones who are in a decent spot now and who are satisfied to remain there will probably not strive for improvement. The moment you accept stagnation you indirectly accept a recline of your situation

Keep on challenging your mind and you will continue to feel young. When you stop maintaining and improving you will start to fall backwards. If you don’t believe it look at people you know who have stopped thinking about progress and how they will end up in a couple of years. Life accepts people that stop progressing, untill they can no longer follow in the field they are working. When that arrives it will be nearly impossible to get their standard back to the level that is required. Despite being surrounded by people who aim for growth, if you don’t go for it yourself you will no longer be rewarded for your efforts.