Contribute to the company

How does your company look like? 

When you started your own business it’s very normal that you work hard on improving it because all the increase will benefit you later on. What is more controversial is spending your time and efforts on building the company from your employer. Many people work for someone but they will not neccessarily look for ways to help the business out except for doing what is strictly needed to earn their money. An example of this without having to break your brain for it is by sharing your methods of saving time to your colleageus. If you use a certain shortcut keys on your keyboard a lot there is a high chance they could use it too.

Spending some extra time after your workday ends to share your experience or to (quickly) finish something up will help you in the long run. If you generally stay at work 2 hours longer then everyone you may not be getting the best bang for your buck. You may be putting yourself under stress too much and unable to recover before your next day. However if your employer sees that you aren’t chasing away the customers when your workday technically is over they know they you have something extra compared to others.

There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else. – Sam Walton

When you are considering how good you are performing for your employer don’t think about how they feel about you but how the customers feel about you. Without customers your company and your employer wouldn’t be able to do anything. The more you have happy customers the more they will return to your company and spread positive advertisement. This is the perfect method to contribute to the company, make sure that your customers are happy even if your boss doesn’t see it. If you would ever move jobs and the ex-customer sees you somewhere else they think back about the positive moments.

Improving the company you are working for helps you improve your job security, while it’s never secure consider what just happened during the pandemic. Besides some security you will also feel better at the company and you will probably be more appreciatted. If your current company doesn’t appreciate your hard work you will have built a very strong work mindset which will help you in future jobs. Attempting to think of ways on improving the company will also enable you to improve your critical thinking skills.