Create your morning routine

morning routine
Creating your own morning routine

Waking up every morning just going through the movements? You are missing out on a great way to start loving your mornings. A large part of creating your morning routine is by looking at your evening routine. Set up your morning routine by keeping in mind your evening activities.

For creating the perfect morning routine for you it’s crucial to find a routine that is important for you. Just as important is that you enjoy starting your routine. Don’t create an amazing routine that everyone would admire but that you aren’t capable of following.

Do and act on what you believe to be right, and you’ll wake up the next morning feeling good about yourself. – Janet Reno

Search for interesting activities and experiment with which ones you like. Great example of daily activities are:

Meditating, working out, playing music, taking a cold shower, reading a book, taking a morning walk, taking your bike to work or school,

If you never had a morning routine take it easy. You still have a life time of working on your routine. Take small steps before you change your entire morning. Start with drinking a glass of water in the morning, eat a piece or fruit or go for a walk.

When you really like the activity you will be able to continuing it daily. It is so much better to have a short healthy routine over a full morning routine that you only do for a week. Create your routine, see how you like it and adjust when needed.