Creating your destiny

Look where you want to go

Do you believe in destiny or in luck? You either can create your own destiny, or you were always destined for a certain future. Personally I believe that you don’t get to choose everything in life, but you can certainly do your best to adjust your life taking matters in your own hand. Compare someone not focussing on improvements because they believe in autonomous destiny and someone else who keeps on pushing themselves towards new highs. If they had the same destiny would they arrive at the same point no matter their input?

Growing up everyone has their dreams, of becoming a lawyer, a fireman, an entrepreneur or even a princess. It you become adult and you still want to achieve it, there is nothing that can stand in your path to prevent it, well except for the dream of becoming princess. You can only achieve what you desire by believing that the steps you take can get you there. For becoming a lawyer you need to participate in the correct classes, as fireman you need to have a healthy body, learn the necessary techniques, be brave and so much more. Becoming an entrepreneur has no set and stone steps to take. However there are steps that can help you: build an emergency fund with money, start your business after your normal working hours maintaining your income stream, have the drive to make something of it and lastly don’t ever give up even if your first company fails. Every step you take will get you closer to your goal.

A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. – Jean de La Fontaine

There are some parts of destiny that can’t be avoided, but the catch is that it is impossible to know what they are. For example I wanted to start a company a company before but I didn’t. What happened? These articles. No company was created, yet a creative outlet started with a potential of cost coverage in the future. Starting a business was avoided to build safety yet by avoiding it there is something else that fills the void and turns out to be the thing that you avoided. Someday writing blogs will be my fulltime occupation, but untill that time there is still some destiny avoiding going on.

The goals that you have now or you will set in a couple of years might bring you to a point that have always been your destiny. For example in 2 years you decide to work out intensely and start a fitness carreer out of it. You will not have known it but something in you always wanted to obtain it. It is too easy to describe it as destiny if we don’t know it. So there will definitely be some truth in some components of your life being your destiny. There is no way to figure out what they are. So the best alternative is experimenting with what you haven’t tried yet and seeing if something else grabs your attention to spend your time on it. You will find something that you enjoy and will continue to push hard in your future.