
The beautifull outside

Movement is a great way towards a healthy life. When you think about working out what comes to your mind? For a lot of peoplee exercise is a synonym for going the gym. Lifting weights are mainly being down inside a gym and there is nothing wrong with that. But when you do cardio do you also do in the gym?

There is a better way to combine two extremely healthy activities. When you want to go for a treadmill run consider going outside for a run or even for a walk. You will encounter the huge amount of benefits from exercising combined with those for being outside. These days it is rare that people enjoy the benefits from both exercising and being outside, allthough they work hand in hand.

I love being outside and getting fresh air. – Marisa Tomei

Personally I learned how exercising was important, but didn’t pay attention to being outside while on the move. I only focussed on getting exercise in.  Nowadays a important part in the exercise routine is also being outside at least for a short while everyday.

Going outside doesn’t have to take a long time. Just going for a 10 minute walk everyday is good enough. Social media is a big part of our daily life, but nothing holds us back from going to a nice place outdoors. Find a place where no cars are driving and you can scroll on your social media as much as you want while enjoying the great outdoors.

When you make it a daily habit you will receive all the benefits and these will improve your life greatly. A part of our life that we often neglect is how our mental health is going. Being in the outside improves your mental clarity and relieves your stress. Another added benefit of going outside is that you meet new people and meet your neighbours during their walk outside.